Noise inside industrial areas can reach unsafe and unhealthy levels which can lead to unsafe working conditions due to inabilities to focus on specific tasks or communicate with others and can ultimately lead to permanent hearing damage.
Within Alberta, Part 16 of the Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Code specifies noise exposure limits for workers as well as levels of required hearing protection.
ACI has the experience and measurement equipment to properly measure, assess, and report noise levels and worker exposure. In addition, ACI can provide noise mitigation recommendations.
ACI also conducts noise dosimetry monitoring where individual workers wear a small noise monitor during their work-day to determine their noise exposure. The noise dosimeters are intrinsically safe and can handle all working environments.
ACI can also generate facility occupational noise maps for proposed facilities that have not yet been built so that mitigation can be determined prior to construction.
Portfolio: Oil and Gas / Industrial
Equipment Used: Sound Level Meters / Noise Dosimeters