ACI is committed to the safety and well being of its member-owners as well as all personnel we work with on various job-sites and the public. In addition, we are dedicated to identifying various occupational hazards that may be encountered within the normal activities undertaken by ACI personnel and providing appropriate means for mitigating the hazards. Due to the nature of our work, ACI is committed to identifying, understanding, and following health and safety programs of our clients on their various work sites and, when applicable, working with our clients to improve our (and their) safety procedures.
In order to help meet our safety goals, ACI personnel have up-to-date training in the following courses:
ACI is a member contractor registered with ISNetworld, a compliance records management and reporting system
Much of ACI field work involves working alone. ACI has detailed safety procedures for working along, including use of SPOT GPS tracking devices with check-in/out protocols and emergency contacts
ACI ensures the use of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for all field work including:
For additional information regarding the ACI Occupational Health and Safety Management Plan, please contact us HERE.