Power Generation

Power Generation projects can range in size from large power plants producing several hundred Megawatts to small localized power generation of several hundred Kilowatts. Smaller power plants associated with existing industrial noise sources (gas plants, upgraders, pulp and paper mills) are becoming more common.  Each presents challenges and issues related to the regulatory requirements of the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) Rule 012, the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) Directive 038, and local municipal noise bylaws.  


ACI has conducted numerous noise impact assessments for power generation projects of all sizes in locations ranging from rural areas with no nearby residential receptors to central urban areas with high population densities and significant existing urban noise sources.   Noise mitigation recommendations are often required to ensure compliance with the various assessment criteria.


In addition to noise impact assessments, ACI has the equipment and expertise to conduct long term noise monitorings for several days up to several months and even permanent installations.

Contact us here to help you with your noise monitoring requirements.

Completed Projects (Partial List)

  • Algonquin Power (Dickson Dam Noise Study)
  • Alter NRG (Bruderheim Power Plant NIA)
  • Bell Canada (Edmonton Facility Genset NIA)
  • BowArk Energy Ltd. (Queenstown Power Generation Facility NIA)
  • Bredal Energy Corp. (Mulhurst Plant CoGen Expansion)
  • CBRE (Genset Measurements)
  • CTV (Calgary Genset NIA)
  • Disederata Horizon Camps and Catering (Brion Camp B Genset NIA)
  • EPCOR  (Rossdale Generating Station Noise Monitoring)
  • FVB Energy Inc. (Strathcona County Energy Centre)
  • Genalta Power (Muskwa Power Generation NIA)
  • Genalta Power (West Cadotte Power Generation NIA)
  • Genalta Power (Bellshill Power Generation NIA)
  • Genalta Power (Byemoor Generator NIA)
  • Laricina Energy (Germain Genset NIA)
  • Sundance Forest Industries (Edson Saw Mill Power Generation NIA)
  • Swan Hills Synfuels (Power Plant NIA)

Services Used:       Environmental Noise / Vibration / Acoustic Courses

Equipment Used:    Environmental Noise Monitors / Sound Level Meters / Software / Vibration