Churches are typically large open spaces which have varying acoustical requirements. At times, the emphasis is on the spoken word while other situations call for good acoustics with music played over a sound system or performed by numerous musicians and singers. This presents challenges for design and placement of acoustical treatment. In addition, many modern churches use sophisticated sound and theater systems as part of their presentation. These require acoustical treatment to be designed and implemented to ensure optimal performance.
ACI works with church users to determine the specific acoustical requirements and provides advice on construction and acoustical treatment. In addition, for projects that require a higher level of design, ACI uses the EASE room noise modeling software package which enables detailed projections with speaker design and placement as well as acoustical treatment implementation.
ACI has the equipment and expertise to conduct reverberation time testing within the main church spaces as well as sound transmission class (STC) testing for noise isolation between various adjacent spaces.
Oil and Gas
Pipeline & Compressor Stations
LRT & Heavy Rail Noise & Vibration
Offices / Commercial / Schools
Completed Projects (Partial List)
Services Used: Architectural Acoustics / Vibration / Mechanical/HVAC / Acoustic Courses
Equipment Used: Architectural Equipment / Sound Level Meters / Software / Vibration